Today feels like D-day in France. Indeed, today we are electing our new president.
It has been a tough campagne, one of the toughest so far. Living in the Netherlands, I could shut myself down from this whole mess. Being an expat, you feel that you're not as much confronted with all the problems in our home country. But on the other hand, I could not keep my eyes closed and ignore what is going on in France.
For this reason, for the first time since I've been living abroad, I went to the French consulate in Amsterdam two weeks ago to vote. It felt extremely important to have my voice heard and to honour this right we all have in a democracy.
Ironically, today, on the second and final round of this election, I'm in France. As you have to vote where you live, that would mean I wouldn't be able to vote. Even though that might not have bothered me a few years ago, I couldn't accept it this time. My voice has to be heard and I have to do my part to avoid the rise of populism and extremism in my home country.
So I arranged for a friend of mine to vote for me. I'm so thankful!
Let's hope my home country won't fall into dark times tonight. I'll already be on my way back to the Netherlands when the results will be communicated.
For now, I don't want to worry too much. My part is done. I just want to enjoy a nice lunch at home, with my parents...
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